A Travellerspoint blog

I'm Back! + Bonus Photos

Hey everyone!

Thanks for following along on my trip to southern Utah. I'm grateful to be back home, but so glad that I went. I saw some amazingly beautiful natural landscapes, I got to have plenty of solitude, and I enjoyed challenging my physical and mental limits. To end the blog, I'm going to share with you some bonus photos along with some of the little details that made the trip special.

- I discovered a storytelling podcast called Campfire Radio Theater. I really enjoyed listening to episodes while I set up my camp and cooked my dinner.

- Each night in my tent, I watched a movie on my phone that I had downloaded from Amazon. It's really nice to watch a movie when there is nothing to distract you.

- I ate A LOT of candy and Honey Buns.

- While driving, I listened to the audiobook version of How the Word is Passed by Clint Smith. The prose was a little too flowery for my liking, but the historical content and context was very valuable.

- I left my car window open while I went on a two day, two night hike in Cayonlands. When I got back to my car, I discovered that critter had ripped open my back of granola and spread it everywhere. He didn't seem to eat much of it.

- The night sky was brilliant. It looked like a painted ceiling.


Posted by TravelAmbition 02:37

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